Legal Support for Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Get counsel and compensation for negligence-induced TBI

Case Results & Settlements

Schneider Williamson attorneys have a proven track record of results that includes securing six, seven, and eight figure compensation for clients

Pursue Restitution & Recovery with Responsive Atlanta Attorneys

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) do not always exhibit obvious physical signs like other severe injuries, but their lasting mental and emotional impact can be profound and permanent.

TBIs can disrupt relationships, families, and careers, often producing substantial and enduring challenges that weren’t present before the accident.

If you or a loved one has suffered a TBI due to a negligence-induced accident, an Atlanta-based attorney with TBI experience is essential for recovery, compensation, and accountability.

Your personal injury attorney should do more than help you assess what you’ve lost and pursue compensation. This is a life-changing challenge that requires a dedicated partner who will be by your side through every step of the process, no matter how long it takes.

The Schneider Williamson team has decades of combined legal experience, including numerous TBI claims and cases that have proceeded to litigation. We understand how traumatic and overwhelming these circumstances can be, and our responsive and resourceful team is ready to provide the support you need to rediscover your normal life.

Get legal solutions when you’ve been wronged and protect your rights with Schneider Williamson.

Hear From Our Clients

What Happens When You Call Us

Step One
Free consultation to discuss the circumstances of your traumatic brain injury
Step Two
Agree on a mutual understanding of your claim and the best path forward
Step Three
Focus on recovery while Schneider Williamson diligently pursues justice

$16,000,000 for Traumatic Brain Injury

$16M settlement for a child who nearly drowned at a negligently operated resort beach, resulting in a severe traumatic brain injury.

Product Liability FAQ

While you can file a TBI claim on your own, having an experienced personal injury attorney can significantly improve your chances of securing a fair settlement. Personal injury attorneys have the expertise to navigate complex legal processes and negotiate with insurance companies.
Unlike concussions, which can heal quickly, traumatic brain injuries are often more severe and long-lasting. Falls, motor vehicle accidents, assaults, and other forms of trauma can all trigger traumatic brain injuries. When negligence is the root cause of such incidents, you have the potential to pursue personal injury claims against those at fault.

Brain injuries often necessitate extended hospital stays and long-term care, incurring substantial expenses. Additional potential medical costs related to a TBI personal injury claim encompass ongoing rehabilitation, medical assistive devices, and cognitive therapies.

TBI can significantly impede someone’s ability to work, attend school, or engage with others. While some TBIs lead to mild, recoverable symptoms, others may result in irreversible cognitive decline. In extreme cases, you might require assistance with daily activities or long-term care, leading to emotional distress, significant healthcare costs, and substantial income loss.

If returning to work becomes impossible, the financial impact can devastate you and your family. Children may lose vital parental guidance, and spouses might experience relationship strain due to the changes induced by traumatic brain injuries. Reduced quality of life can also contribute to damages, particularly if lifestyle adjustments are significant.

Consulting a local attorney after experiencing a traumatic brain injury is prudent.

All lawsuits have specific deadlines for filing dictated by state law. While these statutes of limitations vary across states, injury victims typically have a two-year window, under O.C.G.A. § 9-3-33, from the date of their accidents to file personal injury claims. Disregarding this limitation could result in the dismissal of your claim.

Though two years might seem ample time, stabilizing and reaching maximum medical improvement after a TBI can take considerable time. Prematurely settling a claim might lead to insufficient compensation.

Many TBI attorneys, including Schneider Williamson, work on a contingency fee basis. This means we only get paid if you win your case. Fees are typically a percentage of the settlement amount, which makes legal representation accessible to those who need it.

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Restore Your Quality Of Life After A Traumatic Brain Injury

Schneider Williamson takes your personal injury personally.